Friday, May 10, 2013

Instagram Roundup II

Happy Friday!  Here are a few snaps I've managed to take with Instagram over the past week.

McDonald's iced coffee with half sugar-free vanilla and half caramel syrup= bliss

Providing moral support {and photographic evidence} of my good friend Marissa's nose-piercing adventure
Jamming out to my middle school soundtrack in the car

Little notes are much more fun to make on a typewriter

A treat for finishing endurance cycling class! Note to self: Fiji sadly does not have any magical taste like I was expecting it to.

Rose gold + light blue gingham

And lastly, wise words from my dear friend Megan

Hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!  Any fun plans?  Tonight I'm going to a banquet/party (more on that next week!), then the rest of my weekend will consist of working, studying like a mad woman, showin' mumsy some love, and squeezing in a trip to the theaters to see Gatsby somewhere in all that craziness.



  1. love all these snapshots! come say hi on instagram @brittandwhit

    love from San Francisco,

  2. that mcdonalds coffee sounds delish!


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